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✅Make a Free QR code: https://www.qrcode-tiger.com/
How To Save A VCF File Or Vcard In My IPhone Using 13.3 iOS? |🥏
✅Video Link: https://youtu.be/ILxgocuckQU
These marketing strategies will show you how you can drive traffic to your business even if you have little to no budget.
🎉 Create a QR code today 👉 https://www.qrcode-tiger.com/
🎉How to print QR codes? 👉 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbTFjUXh2a1l0MEJoSEhPejdvWjQ0VVkycWV6Z3xBQ3Jtc0tuRUhjemw5aTQyNzZvWEtDMnZrcW41LTZOQkdqa2doUzFfU0xfV0htUjZVMXhnRHZKV0phTDhIWWljZmk1dVF6VHlMVEJMaTIwZ2RBeDcyTWVxcV8tVmhrSzhiaDg5WXZvaWx2RDFEd09ucXVIQVkxNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.qrcode-tiger.com%2Fblog%2Fprinting-qr-code
Thinking of new creative ways to market your business is essential. One of the trending channels in the marketing industry is the use of QR codes.
In this video of QRTiger, you will learn how to save a new contact using a .vcf file or Vcard in iPhone’s latest iOS Version (13.3)!
The method for importing contacts via vCard(.vcf) has changed in the recent iOS 13.3 release. In this step-by-step video of QRTiger, the process is easy!
STEP 1: In the vCard QR Code’s Landing Page, click on the red button in the bottom corner and then click on “Save to Phone”
STEP 2: When the contact information opens up, the contact is not yet saved in the phone. Instead, you’ll need to click on the “Actions” icon in the upper-right corner, and then select “Contacts” on the drawer that opens in the bottom area.
STEP 3: This time, the full contact details should open up and a “Save” button should appear in the upper-right corner. Tap on “Save”.
STEP 4: To make sure the contact has been saved, go to your “Contacts” and search for the contact’s name.
Be sure to subscribe for more QR code marketing tips: https://www.youtube.com/QRTiger?sub_confirmation=1
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